AÑO LECTIVO 2015-2016
Estimados Padres
de Familia, queridos estudiantes de Décimos Año de EGBS
Iniciamos un
nuevo período lectivo, todos sean
La acción
educativa es un como un viaje de aventuras, armamos nuestro equipaje con muchas
ilusiones, esperanzas, objetivos y retos por cumplir.
Les invito tanto
a mis estudiantes como a sus representantes a emprender este viaje pensando en que todos juntos podremos lograr
la victoria. Así que cada quien debe estar presto a asumir su tarea con la
mayor responsabilidad para obtener resultados positivos.
Hemos inaugurado
el día de ayer el presente año lectivo y hoy vamos a revisar algunos temas que
son necesarios para empezar el Décimo Año.
Día Miércoles,
02 de Septiembre
estudiantes favor realice lo siguiente:
1. En un cuaderno de borrador escriba
algunos verbos que hemos aprendido el año anterior.
2. Haga una lista de actividades que los
jóvenes realizan en su tiempo libre.
3. Revise los adverbios de frecuencia.
Recuerde el significado de: WHAT, WHEN, HOW, WHERE,
5. Escriba su perfil y el de su mejor
6. Revisar también el Vocabulario del libro
anterior. Páginas 2, 3, 4 y 5
Día Jueves, 03 de Septiembre
Lea las siguientes lecturas:
Christmas is
an important celebration in my family. We always get together to celebrate as
a family; everyone comes to this celebration without exception.
Usually every person brings something to eat. We have dinner, but this
is not what we do every year. Often we go out to a restaurant. We need to
make reservations quickly to have a table. We never have problems with our
reservations because we call early in the month.
Something we sometimes do is to have turkey or a big dish for
everyone. People usually choose their own desserts.
My grandparents are
always talking about what life was like in the past. I decided to talk to
them one day to understand their ideas better. They say their lives were a
bit slower. People were more relaxed about time and their responsibilities. My
grandparents think people are running all the time. On a regular weekday,
gramma was at home most of the time and grandpa was at work. Their children
were at school most of the day, so they got together at night. They told
stories and played games untie it was time for them to go to bed. My
grandparents always talk about their moments of conversation with their
relatives and children. “We were always around, so we could talk to
everybody,” they say. These days they feel families do not have time to get
together and talk. Everyone seems to have to have their own schedule and
agenda. One last thing my grandparents told me was about the special
celebrations they had. People were always ready for those moments. They did
not see that Christmas started in November as happens these days. They feel
there was a moment for everything. They did not do anything in a hurry as
happens with most festivities now. My grandparents concluded that they were
happier when they were younger. They added that life does not have the same
quality today.
Este es un medio
de comunicación entre mi persona y mis estudiantes como también con los señores
padres de familia. No olvide revisarlo periódicamente.
Día Viernes,
04 de Septiembre
Realizaremos la
evaluación diagnóstica.
Convocatoria a
los señores padres de familia y /o representantes a la primera reunión en la
que se elegirá el Comité de Padres de Familia.