jueves, 24 de enero de 2013

Your School
Hello. My name is Marcelo Flores. I work in National "Ibarra"School. I'm the General Inspector. My office is on the ground floor on the left in the office building.

The School is big. There are a lot of classrooms, labs, offices and basketball courts. 

Mrs. Myriam Salgado is the headmaster. Her office is on the first floor, next to the secretary’s office at the end of the corridor. She administers the school. Her job is very difficult and stressful. There are lots of things to do in her office.

Mrs María Ruales is the deputy headmaster. She 

works in the afternoon. Her office is on the first floor, 

between the secretary’s office and the accountant’s 


The secretary is Miss. Elsita Rea. She helps teachers, students, and parents. Her office is next to the headmaste's office and the deputy headmaster's office. It is also in the office building.

Nacional Ibarra School is a prestigious institution. The Education in NIS is the best because there are qualified teachers, excellent students, the best technology and all resources that students need to develop their personal and intelectual abilities.

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