martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

Unit ! inventors & inventions

Dear students

I want to say hello everybody and remember that this day start SUMMATIVE EVALUATIOMS until December 9th.
So I recommend to study hard to pass the tests.
Here,  some readings from the UNIT for you.


Louis Braille was from Paris, France. He was born on January 4 in 1809. Louis became blind by accident when he was 3 years old.  He loved music and he was a good student, too, but his life conditions were so hard.  When he was an adult, he worked for a long time to develop a useful writing and reading system. Finally, he got an interesting code to write and read addressed to blind people in 1829. Louis Braille´s code helps blind people to communicate independently without needing print.
He got tuberculosis and died when he was 43 years old. It was in 1852.
Louis proved that if you have the motivation, you can do incredible things.


Marie Curie was born in Poland on November 7, 1867 but some years later, she moved to French. In 1894 Marie met Pierre Curie. They were both extraordinary scientists, and the two of them fell in love. They married a year later and soon had their first child.
In 1903, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Marie and Pierre Curie as well as Henri Becquerel for their work in radiation.    

In 1911 Marie won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering two elements, polonium and radium. She became the first woman to be awarded two Nobel Prizes. Marie became very famous. Scientists came from around the world to study radioactivity with Marie. Soon doctors found that radiology could help with curing cancer.
They used the money for research and never patented the discoveries they made!

“I have not failed, I have just found 10, 000 ways that won’t work.”
Thomas A. Edison was born in 1847. He was an American inventor. Thomas A. Edison did not invent the light bulb. He developed a better light bulb and worked hard for many years in the United States to make an efficient electric lighting system for neighborhoods and cities. It is said that when he built such a system, it did not go at first, but he made more than a thousand attempts to succeed. Edison patented other numerous inventions such as the phonograph, a machine that recorded and played back sounds. The automatic telegraph also was also invented by him. This famous inventor died in 1931 at the age of 84 and continued working on his inventions until the day he died.


Two men made the first airplane that worked. They were brothers. Their names were Orville and Wilber Wright. The airplane was made of wood and was called a “flyer.”
Before the brothers invented the first airplane, Orville and Wilber opened a bike shop. They fixed bikes when things went wrong. They also made their own bikes. They saved the money they made.
The men used the money to build things that could fly. The first two things did not work. The third “flyer” did. It stayed in the air for 12 seconds. It went 120 feet. It was the start of a great invention!
Orville and Wilber made other planes. The planes got better and faster. Now their first plane is in a museum for the world to see.



Karl Benz was born on November 25, 1844 in Germany. He was a mechanical engineer, who designed and built the first practical car powered by an internal-combustion engine. His fabulous invention helped to transport people from one side to another in faster and easier ways. The original car, his three-wheeled Motorwagen, first ran in 1885. He died in 1929


Johannes was born in Mainz, Germany around the year 1398. In 1440, he developed the printing press in his native Germany. His invention contributed to the promotion of both reading and writing and revolutionized the life of the humankind.
The printing press is often considered as the most important invention in modern times. Think about how important information is today. Without books and computers, you wouldn't be able to learn, to pass on information, or to share scientific discoveries, and our world would be very different. Before Gutenberg invented the printing press, making a book was a laborious process. It wasn't that hard to write a letter to one person by hand, but to create thousands of books for many people to read was nearly impossible.

This important inventor died in 1468 in his native country.

Alexander Fleming was the man who discovered penicillin. He was born in Scotland on 16 August 1881. Then he went to study medicine at St Mary's Medical School at the University of London. He became a doctor at the age of 25 and got an assistant bacteriologist job.
During the 1920s Alexander Fleming carried out numerous experiments. In 1928, he accidentally discovered penicillin, and in 1929 he published his findings in the Journal of Experimental Pathology.
In 1945 Alexander Fleming was given the Nobel Prize for medicine along with Howard Walter Florey and Ernst Boris Chain. Alexander Fleming died in London in 1955. 

Good luck!

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